Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Preparing for War

The task of getting ready for a bodybuilding competition is never easy. It’s almost as if there are two kinds of enemies to fight in this war. The first being internal, then the second one is obviously external. The internal enemy, however can be disguised as a close ally, only if you know how to perceive what this “enemies” intentions are. Ok, let me explain the internal enemy’s role in more detail in the next paragraph.

The mind can carry the body above and beyond barriers that the body can not perceive of going at times. When you begin dieting for a bodybuilding contest, your energy levels generally go down. This is simply due to a decrease in calories (usually from carbohydrates) and increased activity due to the painful addition of cardio! So, as you go through your daily life, you suddenly begin to discover you’re not your normal hyper, chipper self. Instead, you’ve become a lethargic, ill version of the person people once knew.

Keep in mind this is a “normal” experience to go through while preparing for a bodybuilding competition. As the calories decrease and the activity increases, the mood is gonna be slightly altered. So, what this relates to in terms of both an ally and an enemy is simply this: The change in mood and lack of energy seem to be an enemy, however properly coping with this change, can be your best ally on the way to achieving your goal. When I was training for competitions I always lived by the thought of “The worse I feel, the better I’ll look!” Sure enough, the closer I got to contest, I was struggling to do my normal daily routine, but I was slowly revealing a physique I had no idea was there! So, there came the excitement and the “Want to” to keep pressing on till contest day!

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